What is garment Tech Pack or Spec


Tech pack is an important sheet or paper where the designer create tech pack by illustration with all necessary information to make the desire product. It’s also known as spec by relevant people.This is like a contract paper for buyer and manufacturer, where they put all necessary information how they want that garments and send it to the responsible merchandiser. The buyer place all those information how they want that garments. Buyer send tech pack or spec separately for each and every garments.  Now in single sentence we can say that is tech pack is an instruction paper for making garment.

What is include in tech pack?

Tech pack is all about design, garment measurement and direction; how the garment need to produce

·         Technical sketch of garments (Back, Front, Sleeve, neck, Hemp, and all required projection).

·         Garment’s proper image with measurement point.

·         Fabric Construction details (fabric type, fiber type, fiber percentage).

·         List of fabric, trims, materials, color, grading (Material source or supplier if required).

·         Size chart and ratio breakdown.

·         Artwork for prints, embroideries, patterns, labels, etc.

·         Packaging instruction.

·         Label dimension, fabrication, placement, text size and description.

Garment Sketch & Article Summary

Garment Sketch & Article Summary

How tech pack reduce time consumption in production industry?

Before place a production order to a garments manufacturer by buyer need a pre-production sample (PP Sample) as they can acquaint the production ability of any factory. Without any tech pack or special instruction none of any company can makes sample perfectly. They’ll have to make more and more PP sample and submit to the buyer for approval. It’ll take so much time to make exact sample which buyer looking for. In that case too much time required to approve one sample by buyer, time in money in production industry. If Sample department follow buyers tech pack or spec than may be they’ll be able to make desire sample on time and reduce the consumption of time which is way to save money.

Measurement chart

Measurement chart

Why garments manufacturer does required tech pack?

Tech pack indicate the way to produce the garment, in that case you’ll find the almost each and every essential information to complete garments production on that particular style or design. Designer build a strong communication with manufacturer how the garments need to complete.

How do you make a tech pack?

Most of the time designer used Adobe Illustrator software to make design or dedicated garments design software. Some time they follow some design template which can be downloaded from internet. If you want to make this kind of design you may follow any kind of methods to do your own design. Personally I use Adobe illustrator software which used most of the designing or advertisement media. Illustrator makes vector file so you would be able to print your design large size if you want.

Problem of Tech Pack

When any designer create a particular garments design; Designer doesn’t have much idea about pattern & marker making. In that case sometime designer need to amend the design by discussing with technical team as per save consumption of fabric.

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