Weather Protection

Sun Protection

Shade provision is the basis of our industry. Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world but we all enjoy spending time in the great outdoors. Finding a healthy balance is the role of a fabric structure designer and installer. Fabric structures provide aesthetics, weather protection and comfort. Fabric structures are a highly effective method of maximising health benefits when outdoors because they reduce the immediate exposure to the sun and the often not so immediate danger of long term sun exposure.

UVR Block

UVR Block is the percentage of Ultra Violet radiation, (i.e. wavelengths in the 290- 400nm range), that is blocked by the fabric. This is the combination of the UVA (315-400nm) and the UVB (290-315nm) spectra. Both UVA and UVB can cause damage to the skin and increase the chance of skin cancers and melanoma. UVA rays are responsible for ageing, they are less likely to cause sunburn but do cause wrinkling and leathering of the skin. UVB rays are more potent than UVA in causing sunburn, therefore these rays are considered the main cause of skin cancers. 1

Testing Methods

1. Design of the structure will impact on shade and weather protection. Angles, stretch, adjoining buildings or trees, shade projection and seasonally variability all impact on shade levels provided by a structure

2. Uniformity of testing methods is required to allow users to select most suitable results in tensioned or untensioned state can give widely different results.

3. Tests results available today are based on UVR on sun protection levels for worn clothing not shade structures. There are plans to open testing standards specifically oriented towards fabric structures.

4. Knowing the UVR properties of shade cloths is one component of obtaining the most effective shade solution. In the past The NSW Cancer council recommended a UVR block of 94% or greater for schools and public places but in 2013 is supportive of a review of shade cloth standards for test for other relevant factors as mentioned.

General weather protection

Protecting people from the sun is the most important function of a fabric shade structure. In addition to protecting people there are many other applications where fabric structures offer weather protection;

·         Shading vehicles and car parks

·         Keeping swimming pools cool in summer

·         Reducing the need for chemicals to be used in swimming pools

·         Preventing leaves and other falling debris

·         Covering machinery and keeping it cool and or dry

·         Better utilisation of outdoor work areas or as

·         Weather protection alternatives to more expensive bricks, steel or glass buildings.

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