History of Wool

Wool has the one of the first fibres to be converted into fabric. Wool fibre grows from skin of sheep. It is composed of protein known as keratin. It is crimp and has scales on its surface depending upon the breed of sheep. The natural protein fibre consist of amino acids. Wool has 19 amino acids, keratin, protein and other organic acids. Man uses wool as clothing in the very early stages of human history.

The primitive man is used it in the form of skin of certain animals to protect as well as to decorate his body. Man then discovered the use of hair of sheep after interlocking and twisting them together under pressure and thus hair of sheep were used in making fabrics The interlocking of woolen fabrics is known as felting. Wool was probably known to the primitive man as he used sheep skin to cover his body even before the discovery of other fibres.

Structure of wool

When the wool is fibre is untwisted it shows a kinky appearance. The length varies from 1,1/2 to 18 inches, the long fibres are coarser than short fibres.

Classification of wool

1. Merino wool:

Merino sheep produce the best quality wool which is originated from Spain. Classification by fleece 1.

Lamb’s wool:

The first fleece sheared from lamb about six to eight months old is known as lambs wool. This is in fine quality and soft texture.

Hogget wool:

Wool obtained from sheep of 12 to 14 months old that has not been previously shorn.

Pulled wool:

When sheep is slaughtered for meat the wool is pulled called as pulled wool.

Cotty wool:

Very poor grade wool

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