General properties of textile fibres

Staple Fibres

Natural or man made or short length fibres which measures in inches or fraction of inch example 3/4 inch to 18 inches except silk all other natural fibres are staple fibres. Staple fibres are of limited length.


Long continuous fibres strands of indefinite length measured in yards or meters fibres of continuous length long enough to be used in fabric as such Natural silk filament is 360-1200 meters. Synthetic filaments can be made many kilometers long. The only natural fibre available is silk.


It is the tactile sensation experienced when hand is passed over a surface. Staple fibres and fabrics made from staple are lightly rough while filaments and fabrics made from filaments fibres are smooth..


It means that when fibre is compressed and later when the pressure is released. It will tend to return to its original shape. Resistance to compression varies from fibre to fibre. This quality causes the fabric to be wrinkle resistant with the resistance varying according to the degree of elasticity inherent in the fibre. Wool has outstanding resiliency while it is poor in cotton.


It is seen when light reflected from a surface. It is more subdued than shine. Silk and synthetics have luster than cellulosic fibres. Infact synthetics have high luster which is purposefully removed during spinning

Static Electricity

It is generated by the friction of a fabric when it is rubbed against itself or other objects. If the electrical charge that is not conducted away, It tends to build up on the surface and when fabric comes in contact with a good conductor a shock or transfer occurs. This transfer may sometimes produce sparks. This is more feel during hot and humid conditions.


Wool fibre is more or less wavy and has twists. This waviness is termed as crimp. Finer the wool more will be the crimps in it. Marino wool will have 30 crimps per inch while coarse wool has only one or two. This property of having crimps gives elasticity to the fibre.


It is the ability of stretched material to return immediately to its original size

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