Other Adjustment that Influence in the Posterior Shed

Warp stop adjustment: 
The influence of the profundity and height of the Warp stop, is also important for a good shed and a good appearance of the fabric. 

Warp stops Profundity: 

1. If we adjust the warp stop profundity more close to the weaver (forward):

·         The warps are separated more easily, favourable for hairiness warps.

·         Improves the warp tensions in both layers of warps achieving a cleaner shed formation.

·         When working with 6 or more frames, it can happen that the warps raise the forks causing damage to the warp rails and the warp yarns. This movement of the forks also causes tension differences, producing an uneven effect most notorious towards the selvedge’s.

2. If we adjust the warp stop profundity more farther from the weaver (back):

§  It is used for weak warps and of different tensions, to better care and control the warp, reduces the formation of specks and hanged warps.

Warp stop height: 

·         In lightweight fabrics, care must be taken that the support of the warp stop does not deflect the warps, causing tension variation, since this may cause starting marks.

·         In weak warps or low sizing, the height of the warp stop be adjusted to reduce or eliminate the friction of the yarn.

Use the deflection cylinder: 

It is used to lighten the load of the feeler roll when we work heavy fabrics, with a high cover factor. 

The deflection cylinder can be adjusted in two different positions, according to profundity and height. It must be said that the deflection cylinder withstands most of the warp tension. 

When working light fabrics, weak warps that produce breaks, it is preferable to remove the deflection cylinder, in this way the warp tension is better controlled. 


Warp tension: 

A correct warp tension is important for the formation of a good shed and as a consequence obtains a good efficiency and quality. 

This tension will depend on the amount of warps, title, material, sizing quality, height and angle frame adjustments, and fabric density. 

It is difficult to define a standard tension, due to the influence of different factors mentioned above, in practice and with the knowledge of said factors, the correct warp tension will be that which does not cause warp breaks (high tension), nor cause loops warp or filling stop due to tangled or warp breaks during insertion in rapier or projectile looms (low tension), as well as their influence on the appearance of fabric (beat-up, edge ​​strength, edge formation) or starting marks.

The correct analysis of the defect presented and the appropriate adjustment according to the criteria explained will eliminate and / or attenuate the effect of the observed quality failure.

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